Search for tag: "humanities"

Interview II with Hans Foelmer

+46 More
From 4 plays 0  

Steven Rockey’s final tour of the Math Library

Steven Rockey, the Mathematics Librarian, gives…

From 184 plays 0  

Nancy Marie Brown: Ivory Vikings

In the early 19th century, on a Hebridean beach…

+73 More
From  Sean Taylor 62 plays 0  

American Ideals 40. Emerson's history

Professor Konvitz explores Emerson’s…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 38. Revolution

Revolution occurs when the grievances of the…

+51 More
From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 37. Sovereignty

For Locke, Professor Konvitz suggests, political…

From  DCAPS CUL 11 plays 0  

American Ideals 36. Religion

Locke’s views on religious toleration are a…

From  DCAPS CUL 7 plays 0  

American Ideals 35. Natural rights

In the Second Treatise on Government and A Letter…

+101 More
From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 34. State of nature

Locke saw man in the state of nature as governed…

+109 More
From  DCAPS CUL 12 plays 0  

American Ideals 33. John Locke

Professor Konvitz states that John Locked was one…

+56 More
From  DCAPS CUL 26 plays 0  

American Ideals 30. Reform in Utopia

Professor Konvitz suggests that More is almost…

From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 29. Utopia

More postulates a mythical society based on the…

+79 More
From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 28. Thomas More

More’s life in connection to Henry…

+101 More
From  DCAPS CUL 6 plays 0  

American Ideals 27. The Stoics, Part 4

The Stoics’ basic principles as explained…

+128 More
From  DCAPS CUL 8 plays 0  

American Ideals 24. The Stoics, Part 1

The importance of the Roman Emperor Marcus…

+125 More
From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 23. Cosmopolitanism

Alexander, in opposition to the Greek…

+88 More
From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0