36:20duration 36 minutes 20 seconds
1. Black Radio Ithaca: West African Famine 2.…
1. Black Radio Ithaca: West African Famine 2. Roundup: Nixon 1951 speech on corruption; Ford voting record; Vietnam; librarians and the draft boards; S. Africa repression behavior modificatin; British dockworkers 3. NST 16, Energy: A Crisis of Power
From Chloe McLaren
31:42duration 31 minutes 42 seconds
1. FFW vs. the Co-op 11:35 2. Pennsylvania…
1. FFW vs. the Co-op 11:35 2. Pennsylvania Squatters 9:50 3. Roundup: Playwright Arthur Banks released; Gen. Spinola's book; Guinea (B) in Geneva Conf.; anti Monopoly game; Mitchell suit; France and S. Africa; Ann Arbo MacDonalds 10:00
33:26duration 33 minutes 26 seconds
1. National Cash Register: Profits vs. Seniority…
1. National Cash Register: Profits vs. Seniority 11:00 2. Roundup: Nixon Meme; FBI Linked to Panther Killings; Nixon's Health Insurance Plan 11:05 3. NST #27 US Investment in Southern Africa 11:20
36:21duration 36 minutes 21 seconds
1. NST #19: Martin Sostre Prisoner 15:20 2. Clark…
1. NST #19: Martin Sostre Prisoner 15:20 2. Clark Squire Sentencing 8:45 3. Southern African Investment 11:30
39:59duration 39 minutes 59 seconds
1. Southern Africa Investment 2. (Roundup) Boston…
1. Southern Africa Investment 2. (Roundup) Boston Tea Party 12:00 3. Energy: Crisis or Conspiracy? 15:55