Search for tag: "investment"

Interview II with Hans Foelmer

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From 4 plays 0  

The Vision of the True Prophets: Founding and Contemporary Interpretations of the Land-Grant Mission

"The sesquicentennial celebration of the…

From  DCAPS 69 plays 0  

Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA

Mexican migration is a highly contentious issue…

From  DCAPS 177 plays 0  

Emerging Markets: Resilience and Growth Amid Global Turmoil

Led by a set of large and dynamic…

From  DCAPS 33 plays 0  

Feed Your Pet Right: The Authoritative Guide to Feeding Your Dog and Cat

Human nutrition expert and author of the…

+97 More
From  DCAPS 816 plays 0  

Losing Paradise: The Water Crisis in the Mediterranean

"Losing Paradise" presents case studies…

+132 More
From  DCAPS 38 plays 0  

Health Care Turning Point: Why Single Payer Won't Work

Employer-based health insurance practiced in the…

From  DCAPS 63 plays 0  

The Homemaker and the Home Economist: Definitions and Identities in the Second Half of the 20th Century

In a talk co-sponsored by Mann Library and the…

From  DCAPS 187 plays 0  

Food Policy for Developing Countries

Nearly a billion people around the world still…

+264 More
From  DCAPS 85 plays 0  

The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity

The need to better understand the causes and…

From  DCAPS 39 plays 0  

The Road to Renewal: Private Investment in U.S. Transportation Infrastructure

Despite record levels of government spending,…

+80 More
From  DCAPS 29 plays 0  

The CIARD Initiative: A Global Infrastructure for Linked Open Data

In a presentation given at Mann Library in May…

+143 More
From  DCAPS 34 plays 0  

The Cornell eClips Collection

Harnessing powerful communication tools of the…

+86 More
From  DCAPS 37 plays 0  

Pleasure and Comfort: The Allure of Chocolate

Professor Jordan Le Bel of Cornell’s School…

+143 More
From  DCAPS 47 plays 0  

Cheap and Tasteful Dwellings: Design Competitions and the Convenient Interior, 1879-1909

In her 2005 book, Jan Jennings describes a series…

From  DCAPS 36 plays 0  

Scholarly Communications

From  Melissa Wallace 66 plays 0