Search for tag: "western culture"

Nancy Marie Brown: Ivory Vikings

In the early 19th century, on a Hebridean beach…

+73 More
From  Sean Taylor 62 plays 0  

American Ideals 41. Emerson's evil

To understand William James’s pluralism,…

From  DCAPS CUL 16 plays 0  

American Ideals 32. Pleasure in Utopia

More rejects Stoic and Christian asceticism, Dr.…

From  DCAPS CUL 7 plays 0  

American Ideals 30. Reform in Utopia

Professor Konvitz suggests that More is almost…

From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 26. The Stoics, Part 3

The Stoics recognized that man is social by…

From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 23. Cosmopolitanism

Alexander, in opposition to the Greek…

+88 More
From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 22. Alexander the Great

Professor Konvitz sets Alexander in his…

+104 More
From  DCAPS CUL 13 plays 0  

American Ideals 21. Antigone

In its discussion of civil law versus higher law,…

+130 More
From  DCAPS CUL 8 plays 0  

American Ideals 19. Socrates, Part 4

Responding to a student question, Professor…

+137 More
From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 18. Socrates, Part 3

Socrates believed that essences were discoverable…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 16. Socrates, Part 1

Socrates, building on earlier Greek philosophic…

From  DCAPS CUL 24 plays 0  

American Ideals 14. Love thy neighbor

Professor Konvitz quotes the Hebrew and Christian…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 13. Man in society

The Judaic-Christian concepts of human…

+136 More
From  DCAPS CUL 15 plays 0  

American Ideals 12. Freedom

Professor Konvitz responds to student questions…

+143 More
From  DCAPS CUL 17 plays 0  

American Ideals 10. Immortality

The evolution of the concepts of resurrection and…

+99 More
From  DCAPS CUL 16 plays 0  

American Ideals 09. Viewing time, Part 2

The Christian acceptance of linear time and…

+130 More
From  DCAPS CUL 13 plays 0