Search for tag: "teaching"

Interview II with Hans Foelmer

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From 4 plays 0  

American Ideals 44. Final Ideals class

At the end of the last class for which he would…

+34 More
From  DCAPS CUL 76 plays 0  

American Ideals 26. The Stoics, Part 3

The Stoics recognized that man is social by…

From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 22. Alexander the Great

Professor Konvitz sets Alexander in his…

+104 More
From  DCAPS CUL 13 plays 0  

American Ideals 18. Socrates, Part 3

Socrates believed that essences were discoverable…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 17. Socrates, Part 2

The business of the soul is to try to grapple…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 16. Socrates, Part 1

Socrates, building on earlier Greek philosophic…

From  DCAPS CUL 24 plays 0  

American Ideals 08. Viewing time, Part 1

The concepts of biblical time and history were…

+50 More
From  DCAPS CUL 13 plays 0  

The American Family, Who Cares?

Made in 1976, this is a taped lecture of…

From  DCAPS 484 plays 0  

Whatcha Doin' Mama: Part 2

Made around 1969, this film examines the role of…

From  DCAPS 45 plays 0  

Four Nursery Schools

Made in 1965, this film examines four nursery…

From  DCAPS 60 plays 0  

Learning for the Future: 4-H in New York City

This film portrays the different programs 4-H…

From  DCAPS 48 plays 0  

The Vision of the True Prophets: Founding and Contemporary Interpretations of the Land-Grant Mission

"The sesquicentennial celebration of the…

From  DCAPS 69 plays 0  

Research for the Public Good : Applying the Methods of Translational Research to Improve Human Health and Well-being

In a September 2012 book talk at Mann Library,…

From  DCAPS 65 plays 0  

Thinking at Every Desk: Four Simple Thinking Skills that Will Transform your Teaching, Classroom, School and District

Frustrated that their university students arrive…

From  DCAPS 350 plays 0  

Dr. Asa Gray and His Finger Lakes Chum

Historian and physician Dr. Dan Weinstock…

+108 More
From  DCAPS 54 plays 0