Search for tag: "reproduction"

American Ideals 41. Emerson's evil

To understand William James’s pluralism,…

From  DCAPS CUL 16 plays 0  

American Ideals 16. Socrates, Part 1

Socrates, building on earlier Greek philosophic…

From  DCAPS CUL 24 plays 0  

The Vision of the True Prophets: Founding and Contemporary Interpretations of the Land-Grant Mission

"The sesquicentennial celebration of the…

From  DCAPS 69 plays 0  

Plant Physics

Over 90 percent of all visible living matter is…

From  DCAPS 36 plays 0  

Earth: A Tenant's Manual

In “Earth: A Tenant’s Manual,”…

From  DCAPS 18 plays 0  

The Finger Lakes Wine Industry Reinvents Itself: A History of the Wine Industry through Three Waves of Variety Introductions

Over 40 varieties of grapes are grown in the…

+109 More
From  DCAPS 27 plays 0  

The Homemaker and the Home Economist: Definitions and Identities in the Second Half of the 20th Century

In a talk co-sponsored by Mann Library and the…

From  DCAPS 187 plays 0  

The Travelling Tulip: Light in Winter Lecture

As part of Ithaca’s 2010 Light in Winter…

+130 More
From  DCAPS 28 plays 0  

Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology

The cell is the basic unit of life­--but what…

From  DCAPS 199 plays 0  

Interspecific Competition in Birds

Three main types of biotic interactions between…

+132 More
From  DCAPS 116 plays 0  

The Adolescent Brain: Learning, Reasoning, and Decision Making

In the second decade of life, young adults have…

From  DCAPS 556 plays 0  

Cultivating the Country's Best Crop: Developing Youth Through 4-H in the 20th Century

In a November 2011 talk at Mann Library, Amrys…

From  DCAPS 22 plays 0  

The Complete Book of Potatoes: What Every Grower and Gardener Needs to Know

Whether as food, beverage ingredient, or even a…

From  DCAPS 128 plays 0  

Public Garden Management: Why We Need Public Gardens More Than Ever

Public gardens are in the forefront of…

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From  DCAPS 281 plays 0  

The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting Birds: Creating Natural Habitats for Properties Large and Small

Stephen Kress of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology…

From  DCAPS 59 plays 0  

Pleasure and Comfort: The Allure of Chocolate

Professor Jordan Le Bel of Cornell’s School…

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From  DCAPS 47 plays 0