Search for tag: "natural sciences"

American Ideals 43. James and God

Professor Konvitz asserts that insofar as they…

From  DCAPS CUL 9 plays 0  

American Ideals 42. William James

As a philosopher, Professor Konvitz explains,…

From  DCAPS CUL 16 plays 0  

Home Economics in the Modern University

Promotional film made in the mid-1960s for the…

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From  DCAPS 130 plays 0  

Plant Physics

Over 90 percent of all visible living matter is…

From  DCAPS 36 plays 0  

Thinking at Every Desk: Four Simple Thinking Skills that Will Transform your Teaching, Classroom, School and District

Frustrated that their university students arrive…

From  DCAPS 346 plays 0  

Dr. Asa Gray and His Finger Lakes Chum

Historian and physician Dr. Dan Weinstock…

+108 More
From  DCAPS 54 plays 0  

Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology

The cell is the basic unit of life­--but what…

From  DCAPS 199 plays 0