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American Ideals 37. Sovereignty

For Locke, Professor Konvitz suggests, political…

From  DCAPS CUL 11 plays 0  

American Ideals 36. Religion

Locke’s views on religious toleration are a…

From  DCAPS CUL 7 plays 0  

American Ideals 34. State of nature

Locke saw man in the state of nature as governed…

+109 More
From  DCAPS CUL 12 plays 0  

American Ideals 30. Reform in Utopia

Professor Konvitz suggests that More is almost…

From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 28. Thomas More

More’s life in connection to Henry…

+101 More
From  DCAPS CUL 6 plays 0  

American Ideals 27. The Stoics, Part 4

The Stoics’ basic principles as explained…

+128 More
From  DCAPS CUL 8 plays 0  

American Ideals 25. The Stoics, Part 2

For Stoics, the real man is the internal man. The…

+112 More
From  DCAPS CUL 4 plays 0  

American Ideals 20. Greek playwrights

Professor Konvitz suggests that the plays of…

From  DCAPS CUL 13 plays 0  

American Ideals 19. Socrates, Part 4

Responding to a student question, Professor…

+137 More
From  DCAPS CUL 5 plays 0  

American Ideals 17. Socrates, Part 2

The business of the soul is to try to grapple…

From  DCAPS CUL 10 plays 0  

American Ideals 12. Freedom

Professor Konvitz responds to student questions…

+143 More
From  DCAPS CUL 17 plays 0  

American Ideals 11. Responsibility

The concepts of resurrection and immortality…

+85 More
From  DCAPS CUL 15 plays 0  

American Ideals 10. Immortality

The evolution of the concepts of resurrection and…

+99 More
From  DCAPS CUL 16 plays 0  

American Ideals 06. Good and evil, Part 1

The power of evil in the world is evident from…

+100 More
From  DCAPS CUL 33 plays 0  

American Ideals 05. Dignity and Job

The biblical root of the concept of human dignity…

+136 More
From  DCAPS CUL 29 plays 0  

American Ideals 01. Course introduction

Professor Konvitz explains the connection of ILR…

From  DCAPS CUL 303 plays 0