Search for tag: "academic administration"

Cornell Centennial Campaign

"Film made for the Cornell Centennial…

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From  Desi Alexander 172 plays 0  

Cornell University President Visits the University of the Philippines

"Film depicts the August 1965 trip to the…

From  Desi Alexander 71 plays 0  

Four Nursery Schools

Made in 1965, this film examines four nursery…

From  DCAPS 60 plays 0  

Learning for the Future: 4-H in New York City

This film portrays the different programs 4-H…

From  DCAPS 48 plays 0  

Measuring Up: Some Methods Employed in Nutrition Research

Made in the 1966, this film discusses the…

+87 More
From  DCAPS 33 plays 0  

The Vision of the True Prophets: Founding and Contemporary Interpretations of the Land-Grant Mission

"The sesquicentennial celebration of the…

From  DCAPS 69 plays 0  

Research for the Public Good : Applying the Methods of Translational Research to Improve Human Health and Well-being

In a September 2012 book talk at Mann Library,…

From  DCAPS 65 plays 0  

Earth: A Tenant's Manual

In “Earth: A Tenant’s Manual,”…

From  DCAPS 18 plays 0  

Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA

Mexican migration is a highly contentious issue…

From  DCAPS 177 plays 0  

Emerging Markets: Resilience and Growth Amid Global Turmoil

Led by a set of large and dynamic…

From  DCAPS 33 plays 0  

Democracy and Higher Education: Traditions and Stories of Civic Engagement

Of all the issues in need of attention at this…

+122 More
From  DCAPS 35 plays 0  

Feed Your Pet Right: The Authoritative Guide to Feeding Your Dog and Cat

Human nutrition expert and author of the…

+97 More
From  DCAPS 816 plays 0  

Honeybee Democracy

In his newest book, professor of neurobiology and…

From  DCAPS 20 plays 0  

Losing Paradise: The Water Crisis in the Mediterranean

"Losing Paradise" presents case studies…

+132 More
From  DCAPS 38 plays 0  

Dr. Asa Gray and His Finger Lakes Chum

Historian and physician Dr. Dan Weinstock…

+108 More
From  DCAPS 54 plays 0  

The Homemaker and the Home Economist: Definitions and Identities in the Second Half of the 20th Century

In a talk co-sponsored by Mann Library and the…

From  DCAPS 187 plays 0